

The Application for Monitoring the AS/400 Server
by Means of a Mobile Phone


SPIN Co. Katowice, April 2002


    1.  Introduction

    2.  Servicing the "GSMonitor/400" application
          2.1  Configuration
          2.2  Running
          2.3  Working with the application
                 2.3.1  Changing the value of the main priority of sending messages
                 2.3.2  Working with the internal database
          2.4  Limitations

    3.   Author and license






The presented GSMonitor/400 application is intended for administrators of the OS/400 operating system in manufacture, trade and service companies. The construction of the application allows to obtain information about current problems in the OS/400 system, both to any mobile phone (most often the system administrator’s one) and to any e-mail box. The GSMonitor/400 application can operate on any type of IBM AS/400 minicomputer. Because of a high calculating capacity of this type of device and capabilities of the operating system, the application is intended for average and big companies.

Besides the main function of the GSMonitor/400 application, which is to detect current messages occurring in the system and to send them to a defined address – a mobile phone or an e-mail box, the presented program to a high extend facilitates the AS/400 administrator’s work by means of a built-in database. This database allows to define an automatic reaction of the program to a possible problem, which may occur in the OS/400 system. The GSMonitor/400 application enables to define any number of addressees of messages from the internal database.

The project assumption of the presented application was that the program should enable the user to define in the application database possible reactions to any event which occurs in the system (registered in the system logs). The best example is a situation when there is a low critical value of the free disc space. The system informs administrator about that sending an SMS to his mobile phone and can also inform any number of recipients. Besides that the application performs by itself an operation which is defined in the internal database, e.g. restarting of the OS/400 system, copying of specific libraries to another system, or switching off the server.

Basic interface of the internal database and defined prompts for each field allow to limit the work consumption and to minimize the risk of mistakes during the data entering.

An addition to the program is the CGI interface, which enables to access the internal database from an Internet browser. The HTTP server must be run. This solution eliminates a need to use the IBM Client Access 400 application.

A next part of the application, which enables to send controls to the AS/400 server from a mobile phone as an SMS, is under construction. The task that is now considered is – how to enter the system in a safe way when controlling it by an SMS. One of possible solutions, when coding of an SMS is not allowed, is a “one-off password system”.






2.   Servicing the „GSMonitor/400” application.


2.1.     Configuration.


The GSMonitor/400 application must be configured before the first running in order to work properly. For that purpose the CONFIGFILE configuration file is used. This file is managed by the CONFIG program, which is run from the level of the DATA FILE UTILITY tool delivered with the OS/400 system.

The configuration consists in filling in each field in the CONFIGFILE, namely: an IP address of the mail server in a company, a name of the domain in which the mail server is located, a name of the physical file which includes the database of messages and reactions to them, a default value of the priority (only messages with a higher priority than the default one will be sent to the recipients), and a default address of the system administrator (mobile phone or e-mail box) where messages will be sent.

If the configuration file is not filled in correctly, then during running the GSMonitor/400 application the following message appears: „Please fill in the fields of the configuration file”.


The tool for managing of DFU files is run by means of the following command:







2.2.     Running.


GSMonitor/400 may be run in a few ways:

a)      in the QINTER subsystem (as an interactive job) by means of the command:


Remarks: under an assumption, that the GSMMONITOR library is placed on a so-called “liblist” (*LIBL) or at a given moment we are inside the GSMONITOR library. Otherwise, during running the program we must also enter a library where the program is placed, as one of parameters of the CALL command.


b)     in the QBATCH subsystem (as a batch job) by means of the command:


Remarks: as in the a) subpoint.


c)     as a new entry in the Job Scheduler, which can be called e.g. by means of the command WRKJOBSCDE, next by means of option No. 1 - ADD a new entry and in the command line enter the command:



next in the remaining parameters define the time in which the program must be run, e.g. every day in the morning from Monday to Friday at 6 o’clock.


As a result of running the application in an interactive mode, after completing the work with a session/job (in the QINTER subsystem) in which the GSMonitor/400 job was started, the work of the GSMonitor/400 application is also completed.

Running the program as a batch job (in the QBATCH subsystem) is free of the above deficiency, but after restarting the system, e.g. at night, the program must be run again.

The last way is free of both deficiencies. It is the best method of constant monitoring of the AS/400 server work by means of GSMonitor/400.






2.3. Working with the GSMonitor/400 application.


Both before and after running the program it is possible to access to the internal database (reading and changing) and to change the value of the main priority. The main priority is used to establish the threshold from which the messages will be sent to the administrators.



2.3.1. Changing a value of the main priority.


The main priority may assume values of integer from (0,9). The lowest priority equals 0 and then GSMonitor/400 sends all messages to the recipients. The highest priority equals 9 and then only critical messages are sent to the recipients. In order to change this parameter the DATAAREA object was used, the name of which is PRIOR, and the value of which is changed by means of the command:




                After calling the command above and pressing the ENTER key, the program sends to the recipients only these messages defined in its database the priority of which is higher than or equal to the value of the PRIOR parameter.




GSMonitor/400 was run automatically at 6:00a.m., with the default value of the main priority equal to 5. An administrator came to work as usual at 8:00a.m., and he immediately found out that in 1 hour’s time he would have to participate in an important meeting. In order both to have constant control over the work of the AS/400 server and to be able to participate in the meeting, he decided to have messages sent only in case of critical situations. So, by means of the command entered from the command line: 




He changed the value of the main priority to 9. Next after leaving the meeting room, he went for lunch, and finally after 2 hours he decided that he wanted to have the situation monitored with the message priority equal to 3 and higher, so in order to achieve he entered the command:




End of example.





2.3.2. Working with the internal database.


         The database was designed in such a way as to enable a user simple and fast modification of its records or clear view of resources. Data from database are placed in a file, the name of which was indicated in a CONFIGFILE before running GSMonitor/400 (default name – MSGDATA). Each record has 5 fields that enable to input the proper values. Presented below is an exemplary record from the database.      


ID                         CPI7E48

PRIORITY               8

WEIGHT                4

COMMENT              Ethernet resource failed.

COMMAND             *DFT



 The first field called ID (message identifier) enables to input the so-called MSGID, which describes a given message in the OS/400. The field is of a character type with length 7.  


The second field is used to give a priority value to a given message, so here the decision about its importance for the administrators is made. The field is of a character type with length 1 and for proper work of the program may assume values of integer from (0,9).


The third field called WEIGHT (of a command) enables to set a weight of a given record in the database with the same message identifier – the same value of the ID field. The order of performing the commands in the database for the same message may be changed by rearranging records just by changing values of the WEIGHT field. The field is of a character type with length 1 and for proper work of the program may assume integer values from (0,9) and character values from (A,Z). The value of this field is unique, that is in the database there can be only one record with a given value of this field.


The fourth field called COMMENT is used to input in the database a comment or a description to which situation in the system a given record is related. This filed is useful during review of the records in the database. The field is of a character type with length 62.            


The fifth field in the record called COMMAND is used to enter a reaction which should occur after the appearance of a given message in the OS/400 system – the record with proper values of the ID and WEIGHT fields. In this field commands of the CL for OS/400 may be entered. The field is of character type with length 375. The field has the *DFT default value, thanks to which the content of the message is sent to an administrator whose address was given in the CONFIGFILE.


For review and modification of records in the database the program called BAZA is used. It is delivered together with the GSMonitor/400 application and it is run from the level of the Data File Utility (DFU).




An administrator has decided that if in the OS/400 system the message CPI7E48 occurs, the GSMonitor/400 application will react in the following way:


1)     switching the Ethernet line into the VARY OFF state,

2)     waiting 60 seconds,

3)     switching the Ethernet line into the VARY ON state,

4)     an attempt to send a message to an administrator (user MARCIN) whose address was defined in the CONFIGFILE (SMS or e-mail),

5)     an attempt to send a message to the user ANIA to her mobile phone – ANIA works on a network project, and this information may be useful to her,

6)     checking the status of the Ethernet line – if switched on, an attempt is made to send the message „Failure of the Ethernet line has been repaired ” to the user MARCIN to his e-mail box.


So for one message the administrator has decided to execute 6 steps (6 records in the database with the same value of the ID field), in strictly defined order (the value of the WEIGHT field). On the previous page there were given the values of fields of the record in the database which is responsible for the execution of the 4th command from the example above. 

End of example.





2.4.                    Limitations.



Internet. GSMonitor/400 enables to send messages from the OS/400 system to any e-mail box on the Internet, so at the moment it requires constant access to the Internet. The author is working on a solution in the form of a device connected directly to the AS/400 server, e.g. PCI card, which will make the GSMonitor/400 application independent of cable networks.


GSM Operator. The program enables to send messages as an SMS to mobile phones only through the PLUS GSM gate. The author is working on a capability of using any GSM operator’s gate, e.g. due to a different range area of every GSM network.


Disc space. The number of records in the internal database is limited by a disc capacity of the server.  One record consists of 446 text signs, and occupies ... bytes of disc space.


Automatic operations. Each message may have assigned 36 commands (automatic operations) in the database – the WAGA field assumes values from 0 to 9 (10) and from A to Z (36). The author assumed that it is enough for program users and for the AS/400 server.




3. Author and license.



The author of the GSMonitor/400 application is Artur Pacut. It is prohibited to propagate the application without the author’s permission.


After ordering the product, GSMonitor/400 is delivered to the customer with the license for a specific server. The product is protected – running on a different server is not possible.